The information on this page pertains to JGTA Majors and JGTA Invitationals only.
Applying to JGTA Events
Applying to and gaining entry into JGTA tournaments involves a procedure of competitive-entry that uses official competitive-entry criteria of the JGTA to determine tournament fields. In order for players to effectively participate in and achieve success on the Junior Golf Tour of Asia, it is important they take the time to become familiar with the tournament application process and the Tour’s system of competitive-entry before or shortly after obtaining their JGTA Tour Card.
To become familiar, players are expected to understand the key principles of this competitive-entry procedure, the workflow of the application process, as well as their individual responsibilities at each stage along the workflow. This information is provided below.
1. Understand the Key Principles of Competitive-Entry
Admission into JGTA Major Events is a competitive-entry process; become familiar with the principles at work.
- Aside from meeting the JGTA’s Competitive Eligibility Criteria, there are no minimum requirements for players to gain admission into a JGTA event.
- However, applying to an event does not guarantee entry.
- This is because admission into a JGTA Major Event involves a process of competitive-entry, in order to account for the greater number of applicants than there are available spots in the tournament field.
- Official Tournament Entry Criteria for JGTA Major Events determines which applicants are the more competitive and should therefore be offered a spot in the tournament field ahead of others.
- The competitive-entry process ensures that JGTA tournament fields are always the most competitive fields possible, in accordance with the Tour’s competitive principles and those of the AJGA.
2. Submitting Applications and Withdrawals in PLAYER HQ
The application and withdrawal process is made easy for members by logging into Player HQ.
- The majority of the tournament application process takes place on Player HQ: members’ private profile page on the JGTA website. To access Player HQ, members must first login.
- Applications may be submitted by clicking on the “Apply Now” button under any one of the tournament listed in the “Application Window” section.
- Withdrawing from an event can achieved with a single click of the “Withdraw Application” button, which will appear once an application is submitted.
- Members may apply and withdraw as many times as they wish without any penalty or obligations until the Application Deadline passes. Thereafter, all applications are final, no more applications may be submitted, and the Tour’s Withdraw Policy shall apply to any late withdraws.
3. Being Aware of the Dates to Remember
The entire tournament application process can move rapidly. Be aware of the Dates to Remember so that you don't miss a beat.
- Dates to Remember are extremely important aspect of the Tournament Application Process for all members to take note of.
- Before the application window opens, the JGTA publishes the Dates to Remember on the Tournament Microsite and the Tentative Fact Sheet.
- Members should always take the time to note these important dates to avoid facing ineligibility or member penalties from the JGTA.
Application Window Opens
With the application window open, the tournament application process has begun. After this date, the tournament will appear in Player HQ and members may begin applying to event. Players may apply and withdraw at will between the date the Application Window Opens and the Application Deadline.
Application Deadline
Applications will no longer be accepted after this application deadline passes. Any withdraws after this deadline will be considered late, with direct implications on the refund policy. Members are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the JGTA’s Withdrawal and Refund Policy, which applies to any withdraws after the application deadline.
Tentative Field Notified
With 24 hours after the application deadline, the JGTA will send an email to players who have tentatively gained entry into the field according to the entry criteria. Such players will have approx. 48 hours to submit their tournament entry fee payment through Player HQ in order to secure their spot in the field.
Payment Deadline
The Payment Deadline for players to submit their payment falls 48 hours after the Tentative Field is Notified by the JGTA. Should a player gain tentative entry, but fail to submit their payment before this deadline, their spot will be forfeited and offered to the next player in line according to the competitive entry criteria.